How to Import Bank Feed

online accounting software

Integrate your real bank account(s) with Surf Accounts India to import transactional history pertaining to your business. Tally your bank statements with the receipt and payments maintained in the system. You can add transactional details against each bank debit/credit in accordance with your books. With an online accounting software get the benefit of performing all […]

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How can a Cloud Accounting Software help you Earn and Save more?

cloud accounting software

You know of the many benefits of using a cloud accounting software, but did you know it could also help you earn and save more? Surprised? Read on. Your business earns directly, as more cash flow because of better invoice management — timely invoicing, identifying late payments and following up. Plus, you save time, money […]

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Why must you Consider Online Invoicing Today

What has been your approach towards invoicing? Do you still manually set them up or have a software or tool that, well, doesn’t take up much of your workload? Well, you can still get by with a handful of invoices with the manual approach but will find a large volume of invoices hard to handle. […]

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10 Common Invoicing Mistakes and Ways to Avoid Them

Invoicing may not arouse much excitement, but it is an essential activity, nonetheless. We do commit mistakes while creating invoices, especially online invoices and they can prove costly to your business. We tend to commit certain common invoicing mistakes and it is a good idea to know the mistakes and the ways to avoid them. […]

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